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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A Diary of General Council: Day Two

Scott and I picked up Pastor at the airport around 1 today.  We took him on the Scott Ball History Tour (a must do before you die!).   He saw Scott's elementary school, his high school, the church where he got saved, and lots of other historical places.  We stopped off at Skyline Chili for a Cincinnati delicacy.  (Or a rock-in-your-stomach kind of place, if you ask me. )  Pastor seemed to like it... I think he was just being polite.

Next we headed to the Air Force Museum.  That is truly a must-do if you ever find yourself near Dayton, OH.  I couldn't even tell you how many times I've been there, but it never gets old.  It is one of my favorite places to go when I'm at my in-laws.  Scott always wanted to be a fighter pilot when he was a kid, so whenever we go there he re-lives his childhood.  

After the AFM, we took Pastor back to Scott's parents house.  There my mother-in-law made her famous Chicken Marsala and Scott's brother and his family came over.  During dinner Pastor was entertained with wonderful stories of Scott's childhood and family.  I'm sure he would tell you all about it if you just asked.  

It was a good day.  The guys are going golfing in the morning with Chad, Scott's best friend since the first day of Kindergarten.  

Oh and we're on baby-watch... Jean is having contractions.... Soon....

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