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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

A Diary of General Council: Day Three

Early this morning, Pastor Alan and Scott went golfing at the Mound.  It was built on top of an old nuclear research facility used by the government until just a few years ago.  Doesn't that just say, "Come play golf with us!"

Scott's best friend met them there for 9 holes.  It's supposed to be another scorcher today, so I hope they enjoy the cool morning.

When they get back we're going to head into town for some Penn Station (a truly amazing culinary experience!!!)  and more Scott Ball History Tour before we leave for Indianapolis.  

LATER:  We got here (to Indy) this afternoon around 4.  We checked into the hotel, and promptly found out that Pastor's whole floor was without adequate air conditioning.  So he came to our room to cool a bit before we left to register.  As he walked in our room, he recieved the best news of his life... He was the proud Yo-pa of a healthy, screaming baby girl.  Weighing in at 7lbs, 8oz, Samantha Hope was letting everyone know she was finally here.  I could here her screaming through the phone all the way across the room.  

After some tearful phone calls and shouts of jubilee, we headed over to register for General Council.  We met up with Pastor and Linda Romine, our former senior pastors in WI and dearest friends!  That was fantastic!!!  They are like second parents to me after having grown up with them since I was 13.  

Service was awesome as was the altar time following.  (The whole time Pastor sent his phone down the aisle with new pictures of his grand-baby. She is soooo cute and smooshed!)  Our soon-to-be former General Superintendent, Thomas Trask spoke.  It was a good message.  

What an exciting time!  I felt like I was at youth convention, only I'm older and there were no young people there.  Hmmm... The youth were at the RCA dome.  I think there are something like 14,000 of them.  Crazy!  There are 30,000+ people here for GC.  Close to 4,000 of them are registered ministers here for the Big Vote.

After service, we ate a late supper with the Romines.  We had such fun catching up and reminiscing about the good 'ol days.  They have a few stories about me that would really be embarrassing for you to know.

Oh and we ran into Sue Duffield... not Jeff... just Sue.  She had lost Jeff while trying to find us.  It was so funny because just before we saw her I spotted Carolyn Tennant (scroll all the way to the bottom), a woman that Sue and I both know.  I told Sue that I had just seen her and off ran Sue.  A few minutes later, she comes running back to us.  And then a few minutes after that she ran off to find Jeff.  Ahhh.... Sue... you always make me smile!  (Don't miss our Bible study on Tuesday mornings this fall.  Sign up sheets should be out.)

What a great day... I have to go to bed now!  Between this heat and all this walking in cute shoes... I'm ready to collapse!

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