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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Too Busy for Quiet Time?

"The good news is, you can nurture a growing relationship with God even in this hectic season."

by: Carol Garborg

Three years ago, our family headed to a Newsboys concert at the Minnesota State Fair. After finding our seats, Davis, our six-year-old, said, "Dad, I gotta go to the bathroom." They scrambled down bleachers, waited in line, and within minutes were back cheering along with everyone else. Twenty minutes later, Davis needed another bathroom trip. Then another. Seven trips later, my frustrated husband and I shook our heads. What was going on?

Dr. Brown delivered the diagnosis two weeks later: "Your son has juvenile diabetes."

In the weeks following this diagnosis, I felt too overwhelmed to have my quiet time with God. While I'd always made a daily effort to meet with him, suddenly my reality didn't cooperate with 30-minute or 15-minute devotional time slots. I have to be more disciplined, I told myself. When I tried—and failed—I felt guilty.

Continued here...

[Thanks Debby for sharing this article with us. If you have something to share please email me.]

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