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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just a Quick Post

Hey Ladies...
It's been a while since I've posted anything on here. We were away on vacation last week. I have a few thoughts (some random and some on purpose) bouncing around my head that I'm hoping to post here later this week, but for now I just had to share this with you.

Many of you will remember Ron Cantor and his wife Elana. They have ministered to our body on a number of occasions. They also happen to be dear friends to my husband and me. In his email newsletter this week he sent a link to a message he had recently shared on a speaking tour in the States. It's entitled "Taking Off the Grave Clothes."

"This message is about living the Abundant Life for which Yeshua died. It is about silencing the accusing voice of the enemy and receiving God's love. May God use it to strengthen, bless and encourage your soul. We had a lot of fun preaching it, and I believe you will enjoy it. (If you want to download the message to put on a CD or give to someone else, right click on the link and choose, save target as. Click save.)" (Taken from Ron and Elana's weekly newsletter.)

I hope that you are blessed by this message as I was. Ron will be with us again this September. I will let you know dates and more info soon.

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