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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our God Is GOOD

He is Elohim, Creator, the omnipotent who rules.
He is the sovereign King of Glory and earth is His footstool.
He is Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End.
He sends forth lightening that later checks back in with Him.
He speaks worlds into existence and spins them out in space.
He give orders to the morning and shows the dawn its place.
He prophesies the future, then orders it fulfilled.
He bears fruit from a landscape that man has never tilled.
He feeds the beasts of the field from the palm of His hand.
He watches while they bear their young, then teaches them to stand.
He gives the seas their boundaries and hides His creatures deep.
He teaches eagles how to fly and nest upon the steep.
He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on wings of wind.
He champions the victim and brings pound men to end.
He is Immanuel, God with us, come to earth through Christ.
He is the Kinsman Redeemer, who paid the slave man's price.
He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and worthy is the Lamb.
He holds the keys of Life Eternal, where the dead and Christ now stand.
He's enthroned between the cherubim, and great is His reward.
The devil His defeated foe, the weapon His swift sword.
The story has a moral so I'll hasten lest you tire,
Whoever you perceive He is, you might aim a little higher.

[Beth Moore, Believing God]


Melis said...

I know I'm the one that posted this (and all the others), but I though maybe if I left a comment, others would follow suit. This site was intended to create a sort of dialogue for women. There can't be a dialogue if no one is aying anything. So if something that is posted speaks to you, let the rest of us hear about it. Post a comment, question, give a shout out to all your girlfriends, or to just let me know that anyone is actually reading this. As is stated at the top of the blog, you don't need an account to comment, just click on the comments at the end of each blog and follow directions.
God Bless and Happy Commenting!

Anonymous said...

Just finished session 2 of Beth's 'Believing God' on DVD and immediately searched for this poem. It's beautiful and so true. Thanks for sharing Melis!